Welcome to the Jerry Beebe Blog!

Welcome to the Jerry Beebe Blog!

There were supposed to be the resounding chorus of trumpets. I hit the WordPress button, but nothing happened. Okay, just pretend you’re hearing a resounding chorus of trumpets…


Now that you are officially welcomed, let me say thanks for reaching out and checking in on me. I get a lot of calls every day during my radio show, but I cannot answer them all. So, I was given the bright idea by my son Ryan to do a blog so that you can find out what’s happening.

It’s been a year to remember. My cancer is officially in remission. I’m still dealing with some neuropathy and nerve issues. And of course, the whole psychological thing. It’s a work in progress. But, I am very humbled and gratified by the overwhelming love and support that all of you have given me over the past year. Your stories and encouragement have kept me going, and have renewed my faith in humanity. Thank you!

Last year, before my cancer treatments I had completed a long term goal of mine – to write a novel. I’m finishing up with the final polish, and expect to release it before the end of the year.

Wibbage FM 94.3 had another great year, setting another sales record and attracting a lot of new listeners. It’s the best job in the world, and I’m lucky to be a part of this great station.

Once again, THANK YOU! And now, on with the show…

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